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인원 |
사용면적 |
9월~2월 |
3월~8월 |
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기준 |
최대 |
일~목 |
금 |
토 |
주중 |
금요일 |
토요일 |
가을하늘 |
15 |
40 |
111.02㎡ |
34만원 |
40만원 |
40만원 |
40만원 |
50만원 |
50만원 |
현장상황에따라 할인행사를할수있으니 전화문의하세요 |
객실유형 : 방2, 넓은거실, 주방, 욕실2
객실집기 : TV, 에어컨, 대형냉장고, 가스렌지, 전기밥솥, 주방집기 |
I stay where the story is We learned to prioritize what was important,
" Tammy Schultz said, "and our family time together was more important than anything else
“Memory ”
How about taking a "green shower" before going back to the busy life? |
I was bored and needed a change of pace. The area is famous for its scenic walks, peaceful, well-stocked lakes and abundant bird life.